Abide with Me.

“I am the vine and you are the branches. If you abide in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing.” - John 15:5

Spiritual Direction is a safe space for joy and hurt, for questions, doubts, and emotions of all kinds. It’s a place to better understand your faith and how you are made to abide in the God who abides in you.

Jana Koh is a spiritual director with over 10 years of ministry experience in a variety of roles. Jana holds a Doctor of Ministry degree in Leadership & Spiritual Formation from George Fox University, and is passionate about walking with all people — but specializes in an empathetic, compassionate care for those experiencing spiritual doubt or faith deconstruction, focusing on befriending doubt — not “fixing” it.

What is Spiritual Direction?


Spiritual direction is the practice of “dusting for God’s fingerprints” in your life, together. It’s a time (usually for one hour, once per month) in which we come together and talk about what you’re experiencing, your questions, doubts, joys, hurts - all the parts of your life - and look together for what God might be doing, saying, or shifting in you. Spiritual direction might feel similar to counseling or coaching, but the goal is to slow down to notice and discover God’s presence in your life, and find new ways to deepen your relationship with God.

Spiritual direction is a time-tested practice, focused on caring for our full selves through prayer-shaped care and conversation. As a director, I have the honor of accompanying you on the journey you are already on - providing questions, insights, and companionship to help you reflect on your experiences and, with God’s help, become more fully who you are created to be.

Spiritual direction offers a safe space to bring questions, doubts, hopes, dreams, faith deconstruction - even things that may not feel safe or welcome in church. If it matters in your heart, it matters here.

Who might benefit from Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Direction is for anyone who has questions about their life’s purpose, direction, or calling. An open heart and open mind are the only requirements. If you are seeking:

  • A greater awareness of God’s presence in all of life

  • A deeper connection to your true self, others, and creation

  • New spiritual reflective practices and prayer

  • To increase your capacity to discern God’s will in the decisions before you

  • A renewal or deepening of faith, hope, love and purpose

  • A space to process spiritual doubt and deconstruction

Book a Session

Think Spiritual Direction might be for you?
Book a session now; initial introductory sessions are free.